Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Network Design for non-adjacent Floors Assignment

Network Design for non-adjacent Floors - Assignment Example Each department is in the connection to a central switch on that floor before connecting to the router in the field level. The router is in the context of the external wide area network via a firewall. The firewall will be vital in filtering traffic from outside. The information technology department will host the six servers namely: file server, mail server, print server, web server, DHCP server and the DNS servers. The design has a number of security challenges posed by the non-adjacent floors. Employees will be organized according to the four departments namely: Information technology department, sales, accounting, finance, and human resource department. Different departments will be on virtual local area networks to beef up the security of individual unit’s data. The general design will consider factors such as the scalability of the network to accommodate increasing numbers of staff. Further, security and means of recovering from a disaster in case one occurs are of utmos t concern. The greatest challenges in networking non-adjacent levels include cabling between the two floors. To run a cable from the third floor to the fifth floor will either involve running the cable outside the walls or inside the room. It will, therefore, call upon the management to request the tenant on the fourth floor to allow the running of cables through their floor. However, this comes with many challenges. First, the tenant may decline which means that the management may incur more to run the cables outside and ensure that it is secure. Accepting to run the cables through the floor poses a greater challenge. It leaves a vast security loophole. The concerned person may tap directly into our network thus giving them access to our network. Depending on whom they are, the organization's data is at risk of being exposed to third parties who may end up using it for their reasons.  

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