Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An analysis of the Caravan industry in Hull, United Kingdom Essay

An analysis of the Caravan industry in Hull, United Kingdom - Essay Example Static caravans are used as holiday homes and they are kept stationary in various places. All these options available for holiday venture and thus individuals must make wise decisions depending on their needs. Most of the caravans are used on holiday places. In the United Kingdom, there are various holiday places where caravans are used. The most popular ones are Cleethopper, Skegness, mablethorpe, and hornsea. Caravanning activities are very popular in these places. Most of these places are found in Hull and that is why hull has become very popular with caravanning. Moreover, there are various caravan-manufacturing companies in Hull. The caravan manufacturers in hull include Willerby Holiday Homes Ltd, Burstner Ltd, Corona Caravans Ltd, and Coachman Ltd. Among these manufacturers, the major ones are Willerby Holiday Homes Ltd and Corona Caravans Ltd. The reason for this is the large market share the two companies have in the caravan industry. As showed above, Hull has several caravan manufacturers. Some manufacture static caravans while others manufacture movable caravans. The company that is popular for manufacturing static caravans in Hull is Willerby Holiday Homes Ltd. Corona Caravans Ltd on the other hand is very popular in Hull for manufacturing movable caravans. The models made by different manufacturers vary both in shape and in characteristic. The reason why the companies in this industry try do this is to increase their competitiveness in this volatile market. Productions of caravans that are different from those of other companies convert the competition in this industry to an indirect. This promotes the survival of these companies in the caravan industry. Caravan industry is the greatest employer in the United Kingdom offering more than two percent of the total workforce. The employees employed in this industry undertake various responsibilities from management to

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