Friday, September 13, 2019

The Dance Class by Edgar Degas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Dance Class by Edgar Degas - Essay Example Edgar paid more attention to color in the painting The Dance Class by expressing the tutus and motions of the ballet dancers. The picture is well enveloped by the ceiling, and the space of the painting is expanded by using the oblique point of view. The ballet teacher who happens to be a real character is standing in the middle of the class and some of the ballerinas are facing him while practicing. Ballerinas see each other busy with their practice and other activities involved in a ballet class. The painting gives us a striking balance between the inelegancy of the ballet in wait and the glamour of the dancing ballerinas. There is also the floor and wall colors that make the painting complete, more dazzling and suitable for the painting. The painting is The Dance Class, it was made in 1873 by Edgar Degas. The artist has defined the image through the shading of those forms dark to light with the hope that they infuse the scenes with immediacy.Edgar used dazzling colors, which are we ll distributed in the painting. The main colors used include red, white, grey, yellow, blue, green, black and brown. The colors saturation was well painted depending on the color intensity. The red was fire red in all characters of the painting. Each color represents a deep meaning to the painting, they are all symbolic to the painter and the people who appreciate art. The texture of the paint is rough yet very appropriate for this particular work. There are brushstrokes at the edges of the paintings.

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