Friday, September 27, 2019

Feed R&D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Feed R&D - Essay Example Ray is quite not ready to outsource the R & K technology and thinks that the company is going to collapse after outsourcing the R & K (Nohria 2005). The company RLK Media has another option of procuring the software engineering skills from a skilled and expert company. Ray gives opinion of appointing the best persons from the market for his support in the innovation but the company is not in a position to endure higher expenses that are related to the option of Ray. Lars can procure the software engineering services from Inova, which is an Indian firm for the expansion of R & D. on the other hand, the technology of R & K can also be outsourced as the chairman of the company wants (Nohria 2005). Outsourcing is not a good option for the company, as there are chances of collapsing of the company. The procurement of software engineering services is a good solution for the company. Lars who is working in RLK Media as a CEO of the company was going through a hard process of decision making concerning feeding R & D or just farming it out, as is explained in the case study (Nohria 2005). The company RLK Media was famous because of its innovations but at this juncture, they are not getting positive response from the customer, as there are no new innovations by the company. Ray Kelner was the founder of RLK Media and was also the chief scientist of the company, as he was the major contributor in the innovations (Nohria 2005). Ray was experimenting with headset technology. Customers were attracted towards the products by RLK Media because of the innovations that they come up with their products (Nohria 2005). The chairman of RLK Media, Keith Herrington was very disappointed because of the company’s current situation and the unresponsiveness of customers for RLK Media’s products. According to his opinion, Lars was required to outsource R & K. on

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